Explain the meaning of equalizer.How is equalization achieved.with the help of neat block diagram explain tapped delay line equalizer.

Mumbai University > Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering > Sem 6 > Data Communication

Marks: 10 Marks

Year: Dec 2016

1 Answer


  • In theory, if the channel response is precisely known, it is virtually possible to make the ISI very small by using suitable transmit and receive filters.

  • In practice, the channel response is not exactly known. Therefore, the channel effects which creates ISI must be compensated.

  • The process to mitigate ISI issue is called equalization.

  • The filter used to perform this operation is called equalizer.

enter image description here

  • Equation : To compensate for the residual distinction

  • Equation : Step

    • A device well ousted for the design of a linear equalizer is the tapped delay - line filter

    • Total Number of wps is chosen to be {2N+1}

$$h(t)=\sum^N_{k=-N}w_k \delta (t-kT) $$

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