A multimode GIF exhibits total pulse broadening of 0.1us over a distance of 15 km.

a. Estimate (i) The maximum possible Bandwidth or the link assuming no ISI. (ii) The pulse dispersion per unit length.

b. (iii) The Bandwidth length product.

Mumbai University > Electronics and telecommunication > Sem 7 > optical communication and networks

Marks: 05

Years: DEC 2015

1 Answer

(a) The maximum possible optical bandwidth which is equivalent to the maximum possible bit rate (for return to zero pulses) assuming no ISI may be obtained, where:

$B_{opt} = B_T= \dfrac 1{2τ} = \dfrac 1{0.2×10^{-6}} = 5 MHZ$

(b) The dispersion per unit length may be acquired simply by dividing the total dispersion by the total length of the fiber:

Dispersion $= \dfrac {0.1×10^{-6}}{ 15} =6.67 ns \space Km^{-1}$

(c) The bandwidth–length product may be obtained in two ways. Firstly by simply multiplying the maximum bandwidth for the fiber link by its length. Hence:

$B_{opt}L = 5 MHz × 15 km = 75 MHz\space km$

Alternatively, it may be obtained from the dispersion per unit length

$B_{opt}L = \dfrac 1{ 2×6.67×10^{-6}} = 75 MHz\space km$

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