Write a short note on Colors
1 Answer
  1. Color adds dimension, or realism to screen usability.

  2. Color draws attention because it attracts a person’s eye.

  3. Uses of color:

    a. Use color to assist in formatting

  • Realating elements into grouping

  • Breaking apart separate groupings of information

  • Highlighting or calling attention to important information.

    b. Use color as visual code to identify

  • Screen captions and data.

  • Information from different sources

  • Status of information

    c. Use color to

    -realistically portray natural objets

    -Increase screen appeal

  1. The possible problem with colors are:

    a. High attention getting capacity

  • Viewer might asscciate, tie together, screen elements of same color

  • Result in confusing, slower reading.

    b. Interference with use of other screens

    c. Varying sensitivity of the eye to different colors

  • Viewing red and blue result in eye fatigue.

    d. Color viewing deficiencies

    e. Cross-disciplinary and cross cultural differencies

  • For financial managers- Corporate qualities or reliability.

  • For health care professionals –Death

  • For nuclear reactor monitors- Coolness or water

  1. Color chosen to organize information or data on a screen must aid the transfer of information from the display to the user.

  2. Never rely on color as the only way of identifying a screen element. Always consider how spatial formatting, highlighting and messages may also be useful.

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