State the spectral band designations used in optical fiber communications?

Mumbai University > Electronics and telecommunication > Sem 7 > optical communication and networks

Marks: 05

Years: MAY 2012

1 Answer

• The international telecommunications union (ITU) has designated six spectral bands for use in optical fiber communications. They are as follows:

  1. O band(Original) $\hspace {2cm}$ 1260-1360nm

  2. E band (Extended) $\hspace {2cm}$1360-1460nm

  3. S band (Short) $\hspace {2cm}$1460-1530nm

  4. C band (Conventional) $\hspace {2cm}$1530-1565nm

  5. L band (Long) $\hspace {2cm}$1565-1625nm

  6. U band (Ultra long band) $\hspace {2cm}$1625-1675nm

• O band was the original (first) region used for single mode fiber links.

• Links used can be extended into E band region for fibers with low water content.

• S band consist wavelengths shorter than C band but higher than E band.

• C band is the wavelength region used for conventional Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA).

• L band is longer than C band. In this longer wavelength band, the gain decreases steadily to 1 at 1625nm.

• U band is the region beyond the response capability of an EDFA.

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