Define CIM and explain nature and role of CIM elements.

Mumbai University > Mechanical Engineering > Sem 7 > CAD CAM CAE

Marks: 8 Marks

Year: Dec 2016

1 Answer

CIM basically involves the integration of all the functions of an enterprise. The new CIM wheel of Society of Manufacturing Engineers illustrates this concept well and demonstrates the interrelationship among the various segments of the enterprise. CIM is generally considered as a new approach to manufacturing, management and corporate operation. It is generally interpreted that CIM includes most of the advanced manufacturing technologies such as computer aided design, computer numerical control, robots, just in time production, etc. However, CIM goes beyond all those technologies and provides new way of doing business that includes commitment to customer satisfaction, total quality, and continuous improvement. It is a single enterprise based database that supports all the information needs for manufacturing in every department becomes an essential part of CIM. This database removes the communication barriers between various departments of an enterprise allowing for complete integration of all department.

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The New Manufacturing Enterprises Wheel Suggested By Society of Manufacturing Engineering

The SME Manufacturing enterprise wheel has 6 defined area. They are :

  1. The success of an enterprise depends on the customer and thus customer becomes the hub of the wheel. With a clear understanding of the customer requirement and the market place, the enterprise will succeed.

  2. The next level focuses on the organizational structure of the enterprise. The deals with the organizing people, training, motivational and cooperation in teamwork. There are a number of techniques used to achieve these goals such as organizational learning, leadership, standards, quality circles, and rewards.

  3. The third level in the wheel focuses on the shared knowledge of the enterprise. This will include all the databases and archival knowledge and experience, all of which can be utilized to support the people and the processes.

  4. All the systems that are actually used in total enterprise are present in this part of the wheel. All the processes are grouped into three major categories, namely product and process, manufacturing and customer support. Each of these have the components that actually perform the necessary functions.

  5. Resources and responsibilities of the enterprise are included in this section. The resource are the people, materials, tools, information, technology and suppliers. The responsibilities will be to the employees, investors and the communities that it will be serving while undertaking the statutory, ethical and environmental safeguards.

  6. The final part of the wheel is the actual manufacturing infrastructure. This would include all the infrastructure such as customers and their needs, suppliers, distributors, prospective workers, natural resources, financial markets, educational and research institutions and competitors.

There should be a tight integration between all the segments as shown to achieve the benefits of CIM.

However one difference is that FMS relies on complete automation with very little manual intervention save for the work and tool preparation areas. However, in CIM there can be a large number of manual operations present besides the automated equipment, all of which will have to be taken into account while planning and implementing CIM.

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