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Microprocessor & Interfacing - Dec 2014
Computer Engineering (Semester 5)
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Draw and explain the 8086 microprocessor architecture.(7 marks)
1 (b) Explain the concept of segmented memory? What are its advantages?(7 marks)
2 (a) (i) Differentiate between microprocessor and microcontroller.(3 marks)
2 (a) (ii) What is an instruction queue? Explain in details.(4 marks)
2 (b) Explain the following instruction :
1) LDS 2) PUSHF 3) DAA 4) CBW 5) SAR 6) RCR 7) RET.(7 marks)
2 (c) (i) The original contents of AX,BI, word-sized memory location SUM, and cary flag CF are 1234H,ABH,00CDH, and 0H, respectively. Describe the result of executing the following sequence of instructions :
INC WORD PTR [SUM].(4 marks)
2 (c) (ii) Compare the minimum and maximum modes of the 8086 microprocessor.(3 marks)
3 (a) Write an 8086 assembly program to find largest of two 8-bit numbers.(7 marks)
3 (b) Explain different types of registers in 8086 microprocessor architecture.(7 marks)
3 (c) Write an 8086 assembly program to sum series of 8-bit numbers.(7 marks)
3 (d) Explain the flag register format of 80286 with suitable figure.(7 marks)
4 (a) Draw and explain the internal block diagram of 80296 microprocessor.(7 marks)
4 (b) Explain the 80386 microprocessor register set.(7 marks)
4 (c) Draw and explain the internal block diagram of 80486 microprocessor.(7 marks)
4 (d) Explain the addressing modes of 80386 with examples.(7 marks)
5 (a) Explain the MMX and Hyper Threading.(7 marks)
5 (b) what is descriptor table? what is its use? Dedifferentiate between GDT and
LDT.(7 marks)
5 (d) Differentiate the RISC architecture and ClSC architecture.(7 marks)