Database Management Systems : Question Paper May 2016 - Computer Engineering (Semester 4) | Mumbai University (MU)
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Database Management Systems - May 2016

Computer Engineering (Semester 4)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data if required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1(a) Explain BCNF with example.(5 marks) 1(b) Write short note on Deadlocks.(5 marks) 1(c) Explain Total and partial Participation.(5 marks) 1(d) Discuss the role of Database Administrator.(5 marks) 2(a) Discuss steps in query processing. Also describe cost based query optimization.(10 marks) 2(b) Draw an ER Diagram and convert it into relational model for a Company, which has several Employees working on different types of projects. Several Employees are working for one Department every Department has a Manager. Several Employees are supervised by one Employee.(10 marks) 3(a) Explain types of integrity constraints with example.(10 marks) 3(b) Discuss Data definition and Manipulation Commands in SQL.(10 marks) 4(a) Describe the overall architecture of DBMS with suitable diagram.(10 marks) 4(b) Explain Security and Authorization in DBMS.(10 marks) 5(a) Explain the following Relational Algebra Operations with example:
    i. Natural Join
    ii. Set Intersection
    iii. Generalized Projection
    iv. Division Operator
(10 marks)
5(b) Explain Assertions and Triggers in detail.(10 marks)

Write Short notes on

6(a) ACID properties(5 marks) 6(b) Shadow Paging(5 marks) 6(c) Specialization and Generalization(5 marks) 6(d) Aggregate Functions in SQL.(5 marks)

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