Discuss the applications of the following types of the gears i) Spur gears ii) Helical gears iii) Bevel gears and iv) Worm and worm gears
1 Answer

1) Spur Gear

  • Automobile gearbox
  • Machine tool gearbox
  • Watches, toys, safe locks

2) Helical gears

  • Used along with spur gear in gear box
  • Toys, High speed end of gearbox
  • Household application (Low noise applications)

3) Bevel gears

  • Differential gearbox, applications where shafts are at angle.
  • Propeller shafts in automobile, Drill machine chainless bicycle

4) Worm gears

  • Tacometer Lathe machine
  • Household/Domestic application (as smooth operation)
  • Cranes (Due to sdelf locking [worm wheel does not drive worm])
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