Design a test case for to find maximum of 4 numbers.
1 Answer
Steps Description Input Data Expected Result Actual Result
1 Enter 4 numbers 0 to 9 (For eg: 10,15,2,8) Inputs Accepted 10,15,2,8
2 Enter numbers and alphabets 0 to 9 ; A to Z ; a to z Invalid inputs Invalid
3 Enter numbers and special characters 0 to 9 ; ~,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),_,- Invalid inputs Invalid
4 Enter numbers and spaces 0 to 9 and space Invalid inputs Invalid
5.1 Comparing 1st pair of accepted inputs (10>15)?10:15 15 15
5.2 Comparing 2nd pair of accepted inputs (15>2)?15:2 15 15
5.3 Comparing 3rd pair of accepted inputs (2>8)?2:8 8 8
6.1 Comparing obtained 1st output pairs (15=>15)?15:15 15 15
6.2 Comparing obtained 2nd output pairs (15=>8)?15:8 15 15
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