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Microprocessor & Microcontroller 2 - Dec 2012
Electronics Engineering (Semester 6)
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Design a 8086 based system with following specifications:-
- CPU at 10 MHz in minimum mode operation.
- 32 KB SRAM using 8 KB devices.
- 64 KB EPROM using 16 KB devices.
Design system with exhaustive decoding. Clearly show memory map. with address ranges and draw a neat schematic for chip selection logic. (12 marks)
1 (b) What is pipelining? For PIC 18F explain the concept of pipelining instruction, advantages and disadvantages.(8 marks)
2 (a) Write a program for performing a 64 bit/16 bit division using 8086 instruction set. The operand and the result is to be stored in the memory.(10 marks)
2 (b) Write all addressing modes of 8086 with one example each and also state type or instructions.(10 marks)
3 (a) Explain different modes of operations of 8237 DMA controller.(10 marks)
3 (b) Explain different functional blocks of programmable Interrupt Controller 8259.(10 marks)
4 (a) Explain modes of operations of 8255 in PPI in detail.(10 marks)
4 (b) Explain in brief functional block diagram of DMA 8257. (10 marks)
5 (a) Explain block diagram of PIC 18F architecture in brief with a neat diagram.(10 marks)
5 (b) Explain PIC 18F programming model. What is difference between W register and data registers? Specify the size of program counter and its function.(10 marks)
6 (a) Write a program to divide the unsigned 16 bit number 0F0F stored in data register REG1 and REG2 (MSB in REG2) by 8 using PIC 18F.(10 marks)
6 (b) Write note on PIC18F reset. (10 marks)
7 (a) Explain working and interface of numeric data coprocessor 8087 and 8086.(10 marks)
7 (b) What are exceptions, hardware interrupts and software interrupts of 8086. Explain their priority structure and interrupt vector table.(10 marks)