Explain legal aspects of solid waste management system.

Mumbai University > Civil Engineering > Sem 5 > Applied Hydraulics 1

Marks: 10M

Year: May 2016

1 Answer
  1. According to the Indian constitution, public health and sanitation falls within the purview of the state laws. Collection and disposal of solid waste is of local nature and is entrusted to local civic authorities.
  2. The municipal laws lay down detailed list of obligatory and discretionary duties. Public health and sanitation is listed among obligatory duties and hence the civic authorities are required to provide necessary services.
  3. Most of the municipal by laws deal with administrative aspects and the processing and disposal aspects are seldom dealt with.
  4. Citizens should play a greater role in ensuring proper environmental standards. Legal provisions should be made only to safeguard against violation of the rules.
  5. Provisions which provide for on the spot punishment to those who do not adhere to the directions given for maintaining appropriate solid waste management system need to be incorporated.
  6. Such laws which give adequate power to the local authorities to punish the offenders need to be enacted.
  7. The recently introduced Biomedical Waste Rules 1998 and the Municipal Solid Waste Rules 2000 are steps in the proper direction of making the legal aspects more comprehensive.

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