Microcontroller and Applications : Question Paper May 2012 - Electronics Engineering (Semester 5) | Mumbai University (MU)
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Microcontroller and Applications - May 2012

Electronics Engineering (Semester 5)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data if required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Explain the reset state of 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller.(5 marks) 1 (b) Explain the CPSR register of ARM7 processor.(5 marks) 1 (c) Explain the terms T state, Machine cycle and Instruction cycle related to 8085 processor(5 marks) 1 (d) Explain RAM memory organization of 8051 microcontroller(2 marks) 2 (a) Design 8085 based system with following specifications
i) CPU operating at 3 MHz
ii) 16 KB EPROM using 4 KB devices
iii) 16 KB SRAM using 8 KB devices
iv) One 8 bit input and one 8 bit output port performing simple I/O data transfer in I/O mapped I/O mode.
Give its memory mapping and I/O mapping and use exhaustive decoding approach.
(10 marks)
2 (b) Draw and explain the Timer/Counter block of 8051 microcontroller. (10 marks) 3 (a) Explain the following ARM instructions
i) ADDEQ R0, R1, R2
ii) MLA R4,R3,R2,R1
iii) TST R2, R3
iv) BLX R0
v) RSB r2, r3, r1, LSL #2
(10 marks)
3 (b) Write a program to transmit "HAPPY" serially on Tx pin of 8051 microcontroller with a baud rate of 9600. Assume crystal frequency of 11.0592 MHz.(10 marks) 4 (a) Draw and explain the interrupt structure of 8085 processor in detail. (10 marks) 4 (b) Write a program to transmit "HAPPY" serially on SOD pin of 8085 processor at a baud rate of 9600. Assume operating frequency of 8085 as 3 MHz. (10 marks) 5 (a) Draw timing diagram for JNZ C000H instruction.(10 marks) 5 (b) With the help of timing diagram explain input data transfer using handshake signals of 8255. (10 marks) 6 (a) Interface 16x2 LCD display to 8051 microcontroller and display a single character "H" on it(10 marks) 6 (b) Write a program to generate a square wave of 2 kHz using 8155 timer. Timer operates at 3 MHz(10 marks) 7 (a) Explain block diagram of 8259 peripheral IC. (10 marks) 7 (a) Explain block diagram of 8259 peripheral IC. (10 marks) 7 (b) Explain any two modes of 8253 peripheral IC in detail with the help of timing diagram. (10 marks) 7 (b) Explain any two modes of 8253 peripheral IC in detail with the help of timing diagram. (10 marks)

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