What do u understand by gyroscopic couple? Derive a formula for its magnitude.

Mumbai University > Mechanical Engineering > Sem 5 > Theory of Machines-II

Marks: 5 Marks

Year: Dec 2015

1 Answer

Magnitude of Gyroscopic couple:-

Consider a disc spinning at a regular velocity ω about axis of spin OX in anticlockwise direction and viewing from front, shown in fig.

enter image description here

It mean that both position are lying in the same place i.e.- in the precession plane about axis ‘OY’

Let, $\text{I= Mass amount of inertia of the disc about OX in} kg-m^2 \\ \text{W= Angular velocity rad/sec.} \\ \text{Wp= Precession angular velocity rad/sec.}$

Angular momentum of the $disc= I_w$

enter image description here

The change in the angular momentum

$$= \vec{ob} – \vec{oa} = \vec{ab} \\ \vec{ab}= oa \times δθ \\ = I \times W \times δθ$$

Rate of change of angular momentum

$$= I \times W \times \dfrac{δθ}{δt} \\ T = I \times W \times Wp \\ \bigg[\dfrac{δθ}{δt}\bigg]=W_p$$

The couple of I.W.WP is direction of vector with represent the change in angular momentum, which is called as “Active Gyroscopic Couple”.

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