During the ripening process of orange, the average heat energy release is estimated as 4715 Kj/$m^3$.hr. If the orange is assumed to be homogenous sphere having K=0.175 W/mK,

Compute the temperature at centre of an orange

1 Answer

The temperature distribution in sphere with uniform heat generation is given by

T(r)=$\frac{-g_0 r^2}{6k}-\frac{C_1}{r}+C_2$

Where C1 and C2 are constants of integration and can be obtained from boundary conditions

The boundary condition at the centre

At r=0, $\frac{dT}{dr}$=0

It gives $C_1$=0

The boundary condition at the surface

At r=$r_0$, T=$T_s$

$T_s=\frac{-g_0 r_0^2}{6k}+C_2$

In the question as surface temperature and diameter of sphere is not given this question cannot be solved further.

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