Microcontroller and Embedded Systems : Question Paper Dec 2014 - Information Technology (Semester 5) | Mumbai University (MU)
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Microcontroller and Embedded Systems - Dec 2014

Information Technology (Semester 5)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data if required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Define and classify the embedded systems, give few examples of such systems.(5 marks) 1 (b) Compare AJMP, SJMP, LJMP instructions of 8051.(5 marks) 1 (c) Explain function of $$ \overline{PSEN} \ and \ \overline {EA} $$ pins of 8051.(4 marks) 1 (d) Describe the principal features of the ARM architecture.(6 marks) 2 (a) Explain Internal memory organization of 8051.(10 marks) 2 (b) Explain addressing modes of ARM 7 processor.(10 marks) 3 (a) Explain interrupt structure of 8051 in detail.(10 marks) 3 (b) What is semaphore? Explain the use of semaphore with respect to embedded operating systems.(10 marks) 4 (a) Write assembly language program for 8051 to multiply two 8 bit numbers stored in external memory locations 4000 H and 4001 H. Send the result on PORT 1 and PORT 3.(10 marks) 4 (b) Explain CPSR of ARM 7 processor.(10 marks) 5 (a) What do you means by Task and Trask state related to embedded operating systems and also discuss about task control block (TCB) and its data.(10 marks) 5 (b) Write assembly language program for 8051 to transfer message "ENGINEER" serially at the baud rate of 4800 mode 1.(10 marks) 6 (a) Explain Smart Card Reader system in detail.(12 marks) 6 (b) Explain priority inversion problem in Embedded System. How does it is resolved?(8 marks)

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