written 8.0 years ago by | • modified 8.0 years ago |
Doppler Effect:
- It gives the relation between frequency of signal and position of observer which is moving.
The speed of source and the receiver relative to the medium are lower than the velocity to the waves in the medium, the relationship between observed ‘f’ and emitted frequency $f_0$ is given by
$f=\bigg[\dfrac{C+V_r}{C+V_s}\bigg] f_0$
C = Velocity of light in medium
$V_r$ = Velocity of receiver relative to the medium and is positive if the recever is moving towards source.
$V_s$ = Velocity of source relative to the medium and is positive if the source is moving away from the receiver.
The frequency is decrease if either is moving away from the other.
The relation b etween the observed frequency if emitted frequency f0 is given by
$f=\bigg(1-\dfrac{V}{C}\bigg) f_0$
Change in frequency
$∆f=\dfrac{V}{C} f_0=f-f_0$
V = velocity of source relative to receiver it is positive when the source and receiver are moving further apart.
C = Speed of light.
Funcxtioning of some types of radar are based on Doppler effect to measure the velocity of detected object. - CW Doppler Radar - CW MTI Radar
CW Doppler Radar:
- CW radar transmits unmodulated CW energy. Here the energy reflected by a moving target gets shifted in frequency by factor∆f.
- The difference frequency∆f is indication of the presence of the moving target and gives its redial velocity $V_r$.