Write short Note on backward Wave Oscillator.
1 Answer
  • Backward wave oscillator is a microwave continuous wave oscillator with excellent tunning capability & frequency coverage range.
  • It is BWA in which the input which is a collector end of the tube, is terminated in a resistive coating. The output power is extracted at the gun end.
  • Due to D.C. voltage applied to helix a transient noise signal is generated at Kf frequency which start the Rf oscillation.
  • This R.F. backward wave signal travel through helix and interact with the electron beam in a accumulative region and steady state oscillation is established at a particular frequency in BWO growing Kf wave travels in a direction opposite at electron beam.

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  • The fig. shows the several regenerative loops that functions as an amplifier with β as feedback.
  • Each regenerative loop functions as an amplifier as oscillator & is designed such that the phase shift around the loop is 2π radians.
  • When the +ve feedback takes place, The β circuit loop oscillates at the frequency at which the total delay is 2π radians.
  • The Rf field velocity modulates the electron beam which moves towards collector end of the tube forming a bunch.
  • This bunch now provided energy to the helix Rf wave in the backward wave direction.
  • This looping continues until there is a sufficient energy in the Rf wave.
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