CE configuration is popular in amplifier circuits. Justify.

Mumbai University > Information Technology > sem 3> Analog and Digital Circuits

Marks: 4M

Year: May16

1 Answer

CE configuration is popular in amplifier circuits:

⦁ CE is most widely used because it provides the voltage gain required for most of the day to day applications of preamp and power amps. This is not possible in CB mode. Moreover, the CC has the avatar of  CE as in Emitter Follower, This circuit also closely resemble a Common Emitter, and its work is to provide current gain.

⦁ Common emitter is the most basic configuration for amplifier circuits. It also provide the maximum transconductance or voltage gain for a given load.

⦁ The common emitter configuration has the highest power gain combined with medium voltage and current gain.

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  • The ability of this configuration to increase input signal power by 20dB (100 times) and more is widely used as signal amplifiers in communications. Weak signals can restore their power passing through common-emitter amplifier. It is also widely used in speakers, where the increase in voltage can increase the volume of sound.

  • The configuration can also used as switch in embedded systems. Usually, microcontrollers' output is limited to 5V. With CE switch, the voltage can increase about 5-20 times that allows the control of more demanding devices, such as DC motors.

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