What are the properties of soft magnetic material? Briefly explain one application.

Mumbai University > First Year Engineering > Sem 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 3M

Year: Dec 2015

1 Answer

Properties of Soft magnetic material:

  1. Permeability
  2. Coercivity
  3. Electromagnets and Relays
  4. Transformers, motors and generators
  5. Saturation and magnetization
  6. Hysteresis loss


  1. The types of applications for soft magnetic materials fall into two main categories: AC and DC.
  2. In DC applications the material is magnetized in order to perform an operation and then demagnetized at the conclusion of the operation, e.g. an electromagnet on a crane at a scrap yard will be switched on to attract the scrap steel and then switched off to drop the steel.
  3. For DC applications the main consideration for material selection is most likely to be the permeability.
  4. This would be the case, for example, in shielding applications where the flux must be channeled through the material.
  5. Where the material is used to generate a magnetic field or to create a force then the saturation magnetization may also be significant.
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