Design a planning agent for a Blocks World problem. Assume suitable initial state and final state for the problem.
1 Answer

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Designing the Agent

Idea is to give an agent:

  • Representation of goal/intention to achieve

  • Representation of actions it can perform; and

  • Representation of the environment;

    Then have the agent generate a plan to achieve the goal.

    The plan is generated entirely by the planning system, without human intervention.

    Assume start & goal states as below:

    enter image description here

a. STRIPS : A planning system – Has rules with precondition deletion list and addition list

Sequence of actions :

b. Grab C

c. Pickup C

d. Place on table C

e. Grab B

f. Pickup B

g. Stack B on C

h. Grab A

i. Pickup A

j. Stack A on B


k. R1 : pickup(x)

  1. Precondition & Deletion List : hand empty, on(x,table), clear(x)
  2. Add List : holding(x)

l. R2 : putdown(x)

  1. Precondition & Deletion List : holding(x)
  2. Add List : hand empty, on(x,table), clear(x)

m. R3 : stack(x,y)

  1. Precondition & Deletion List :holding(x), clear(y)
  2. Add List : on(x,y), clear(x)

n. R4 : unstack(x,y)

  1. Precondition & Deletion List : on(x,y), clear(x)
  2. Add List : holding(x), clear(y)

Plan for the assumed blocks world problem

For the given problem, Start $\rightarrow$ Goal can be achieved by the following sequence:

  1. Unstack(C,A)
  2. Putdown(C)
  3. Pickup(B)
  4. Stack(B,C)
  5. Pickup(A)
  6. Stack(A,B)
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