Explain decision tree learning with an example. What are decision rules? How to use it for classifying new samples?
1 Answer

Decision Tree: a decision tree consists of Nodes, Edges & Leaves

In Decision Tree Learning, a new example is classified by submitting it to a series of tests that determine the class label of the example. These tests are organized in a hierarchical structure called a decision tree.

The training examples are used for choosing appropriate tests in the decision tree. Typically, a tree is built from top to bottom, where tests that maximize the information gain about the classification are selected first.

To classify a sample:

  1. Start at the root
  2. Perform the test
  3. Follow the edge corresponding to outcome
  4. Go to 2 unless leaf
  5. Predict that outcome associated with the leaf

Rule induction

  • Decision rules can be generated from a decision tree
  • Each path from the root of the tree to a leave is a rule that classifies a set of examples
  • It is also possible to generate a set of rules without creating a decision tree
  • These algorithms learn the rules sequentially and not all at once like in a decision tree
  • Some of these algorithm can even learn first order logic rules
  • The key point of these methods is how to learn the best rule given a set of examples
  • One possibility is to use the idea from decision trees and search in the space of conjunctions
  • We start with the empty rule and each step we select the best new conjunction for the rule using an heuristic (eg. entropy) and a greedy strategy (eg. keep the best)
  • To avoid local optima, a more exhaustive search can be performed, for example using beam search and storing the k best rules The majority class of the examples selected is assigned as the rule Prediction
  • There are also other formalisms of rules that can be used
    • Decision tables
    • Decision lists
    • Ripple down rules
    • Defaukt Rules

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Application: A sample Task

Day Temperature Outlook Humidity Windy Play Golf?
07-05 Hot Sunny High False No
07-06 Hot Sunny High True No
07-07 Hot Overcast High False Yes
07-08 Cold Sunny Normal False Yes
07-09 Cold Overcast Normal True Yes
07-10 mild Sunny High False No
07-11 Cold Sunny Normal False Yes
07-12 mild Rain Normal False Yes
07-13 mild Sunny Normal True Yes
07-14 mild Overcast High True Yes
07-15 Hot Overcast Normal False Yes
07-16 mild Rain High True No
07-17 Cold Rain Normal True No
07-18 mild Rain High False Yes
Today mild Sunny Normal False ?

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