Elaborate the steps of key generation using RSA algorithm.
2 Answers


  1. RSA is a public key encryption algorithm.

  2. RSA is derived from its inventors Rivest, Shamir and Adleman in 1978.


  1. Choose two different large random prime numbers say “p” and “q”.
  2. Calculate n = p * q. Since “n” is the modulus for the public key and the private keys
  3. Calculate the totient: Ø (n) = (p - 1)(q - 1)
  4. Choose an integer “e” such that 1 < e < Ø (n) and “e” is co-prime to Ø (n) i.e. “e” and Ø (n) share no factors other than 1.
  5. Find out decryption key “d” such that e * d = 1 mod (p - 1) (q - 1).
  6. Encrypt the message “m” using encryption key e, c = m^e mod n.
  7. Decrypt the message “m” using decryption key d, m = c^d mod n.
  • The RSA Algorithm is a popular Public-Key encryption Technique.
  • It is based on exponentiation in a finite field over integers module a prime
  • The integers used by this method is very large make it difficult to solve (by an attacker w/o the key)
  • There are two set of keys in this method: a private key and a public key.
  • Initially we begin with finding two prime numbers p and q.

    Care must be taken that these two prime numbers must be sufficiently large.

    A guess-and-check method to find these numbers will be nice.

  • Next we need two exponents e (encryption key)and d(decryption key);

    Of these both we guess the value of e randomly such that :

    $1 \lt e \lt Φ(n) and GCD(e, Φ(n))=1…………\{Note: Φ(n)=(p-1)*(q-1) \}$

  • Next, to find the d value (decryption key) , we use the formula: e.d=1 mod Φ(n) and 0≤d≤n

    This is solved by using Extended Euclid’s Method shown in Q-1.

  • Now, we publish the public key which can be read by anyone. The public key is made up of PU= {e,n} . Any third party can access this public-key and encrypt the message.

  • You CANNOT decrypt a message using the public key.
  • The Private key, on the other had is kept secret. The private key is given as PR={d,n}
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