Generation of Reset signals in 8086 based system.
1 Answer

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  1. Reset causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity.

  2. To be recognized, the signal must be active high for at least four clock cycles, except after power-on which requires a 50 Micro Sec. pulse.

  3. It causes the 8086 to initialize registers DS, SS, ES, IP and flags to all zeros. It also initializes CS to FFFF H. Upon removal of the RESET signal from the RESET pin, the 8086 will fetch its next instruction from the 20 bit physical address FFFF0H.

  4. The reset signal to 8086 can be generated by the 8284. (Clock generation chip).

  5. To guarantee reset from power-up, the reset input must remain below 1.5 volts for 50 Micro sec. after Vcc has reached the minimum supply voltage of 4.5V.

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