Differentiate between minimum mode and maximum mode in 8086.
1 Answer
Maximum Mode Minimum Mode
When MN/MX (bar) is low 8086 is in maximum mode. When MN/MX (bar) is high 8086 is in minimum mode.
In maximum mode 8086 generates QS1, QS0, S0 (bar), S1 (bar), S2 (bar), LOCK (bar), RQ (bar), GT1, RQ (bar)/GT0 control signals. In minimum mode 8086 generates INTA (bar), ALE, DEN (bar), DT/R (bar), M/IO (bar), HLDA, HOLD and WR (bar), control signals.
So clearly there are multiple processes in the system. There is only one processor in the system minimum mode.
Where in maximum mode interfacing, master/slave and multiplexing and several such control signals are required. In minimum mode no interfacing or master/slave signal is required.
In maximum mode a bus controller is required to produce control signals. This bus controller produces MEMRDC, MEMWRC, IOWRC, ALE, DEN, DT/R control signals. In maximum mode direct RD WR signals can be used. No bus controller required. A simple de-multiplexing would do the job of producing the control signals. The de-multiplexer produces MEMRD, MEMWR, IORD, IOWR control signals.
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