An architectural style is a named collection of architectural design decisions
- A primary way of characterizing lessons from experience in software system design
- Reflect less domain specificity than architectural patterns
- Useful in determining everything from subroutine structure to top-level application structure
- Many styles exist and we will discuss them in detail next week
An architectural style is a named collection of architectural design decisions that
- are applicable in a given development context
- constrain architectural design decisions that are specific to a particular system within that context
- elicit beneficial qualities in each resulting system.
Recurring organizational patterns & idioms
- Established, shared understanding of common design forms
- Mark of mature engineering field
Basic Properties of Styles
- A vocabulary of design elements
Component and connector types; data elements
e.g., pipes, filters, objects, servers
- A set of configuration rules
Topological constraints that determine allowed compositions of elements
e.g., a component may be connected to at most two other components
- A semantic interpretation
Compositions of design elements have well-defined meanings
Benefits of Using Styles
Some Common Styles
- Traditional, language-influenced styles
- Main program and subroutines
- Object-oriented
- Layered
- Virtual machines
- Client-server
- Data-flow styles
- Batch sequential
- Pipe and filter
- Shared memory
- Interpreter
- Implicit invocation
- Event-based
- Publish-subscribe
“Derived” styles
Main program and subroutines:
![enter image description here](
- Displays greetings and instructions
- enters a loop in which it calls the three subroutines in turn.
- Decomposition based upon separation of functional processing steps
Design elements
- Components: main program and subroutines
- Connectors: function/procedure calls
- Data: Values passed in/out subroutines
- Static organization is hierarchical
- Full structure: a directed graph
Modularity: subroutines can be replaced as long as interface semantics are unaffected.
Usually fails to scale
- Inadequate attention to data structures
- Effort to accommodate new requirements: unpredictable
State strongly encapsulated. Internal representation is hidden from other objects
- Objects are responsible for their internal representation integrity
![enter image description here](
Design elements
- Components: objects (data and associated operations)
- Connectors: method invocations
- Data: arguments passed to methods
- Can vary arbitrarily: data and interfaces can be shared through inheritance.
- Complex, dynamic data structures
- Close correlation between physical world entities and entities in the program
- Integrity: data is manipulated only by appropriate methods
- Abstraction: internals are hidden
Not efficient enough for high performance computing (e.g., scientific computing, data science)
- Distributed applications require extensive middleware to provide access to remote objects
- In absence of additional structural principles unrestricted OO can lead to highly complex applications
![enter image description here](
- An ordered sequence of layers, each layer offers services (interfaces) that can be used by programs (components) residing with the layer(s) above it
Design elements
- Components: layers, each layer usually several programs
- Connectors: typically procedure calls
- Data: parameters passed between layers
- Linear (strict layering), acyclic (non-strict layering)
Operating systems − 2INC0 “Operating systems” SfS:Y3Q1
Network and protocol stacks − 2IC60 “Computer networks and security” SfS, WbS:Y2Q4
- Lower layers are independent from the upper layers
- Upper layers can evolve independently from the lower layers as long as the interface semantics is unchanged
- Strict layering: limits propagation of change
- Not universally applicable
- Performance (mostly for strict layering and many layers)
- Client Server Style
- Client initiates communication by sending server a request.
- Server performs the requested action and replies.
Design elements
- Components: client(s) and server
- Connectors: remote procedure call, network protocols
- Data: parameters and return values
- Two-level, multiple clients making requests to server
- No client-client communication
![enter image description here](
Centralization of data is required
Server: high-capacity machine (processing power)
Clients: simple UI tasks
Many business applications − 2IIC0 “Business Information Systems” SfS, WbS:Y3Q1
Dataflow styles focus on how data moves between processing elements
- “The Granddaddy of Styles”
- Separate programs are executed in order
- Aggregated data (on magnetic tape) transferred by the user from one program to another
- Simplicity
- Severable executions
- No concurrency
- No interaction between components
Pipe and Filter
- Separate programs executed, potentially concurrently
Design elements
- Components: independent programs, a.k.a. filters
- Connectors: routers of data streams (pipes), provided by an operating system
- Pipelines — linear sequences of filters
- Bounded pipes — limited amount of data on a pipe − Typed pipes — data strongly typed
- Usually linear pipelines, sometimes T-joins are possible.
Blackboard Style
Two kinds of components
- Central data structure — blackboard
- Components operating on the blackboard • System control is entirely driven by the blackboard state
- Separate programs communicate through the shared repository, known as the blackboard
Design elements
- Components: − shared blackboard − independent programs, a.k.a. knowledge sources
- Connectors: depending on the context − procedure calls, database queries, direct references…
- Data: stored on the blackboard
- Topology: star, the blackboard as the central node
Interpreter Style
Compilers translate the (source) code to the executable form at once
- Interpreters translate the (source) code instructions one by one and execute them
- To pass data from one instruction to the other we need to keep the Interpreter state
Mobile code style
Sometimes interpretation cannot be performed locally
- Code-on-demand
- Client has resources and processing power
- Server has code to be executed
- Client requests the code, obtains it and runs it locally
Architectural patterns define the implementation strategies of those components and connectors (‘how?’)
Architectural styles define the components and connectors (‘what?’)
- Less domain specific
- Good architecture makes use of design patterns (on a more finegranular level)
![enter image description here](