Distinguish between the following
  • Solicited and unsolicited enquiry

    • Semi-block and modified block format

1 Answer


Solicited enquiry Unsolicited enquiry
i) When you write an enquiry letter in response to an advertisement, it is known as solicited enquiry. i) When you send an enquiry letter to any company or organization on your own initiative, to get information, it is called unsolicited enquiry.
ii) A solicited letter is one you have asked for. ii) An unsolicited letter is one you did not ask for


Semi-block format Modified block format
i) The paragraphs are intended. i) The paragraphs are not intended.
ii) Date is written on right hand side. ii) Date is mentioned at centre of the page.
iii) Complementary close and signature are mentioned on right hand side. iii) Complementary close and signature are aligned near the centre of the letter.
iv) Paragraphs are not separated. iv) Paragraphs are separated with a line of spacing between them.
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