What is You attitude?
1 Answer
  • A good sales approach is possible when the customer (reader) is given enough attention by adopting the ‘you-attitude’ in other words, the reader-viewpoint.

  • Although you are talking about your company or your products, show the recipient how it would benefit him.

  • This recipient-centric approach is called as the ‘you’ attitude.

  • This would primarily imply presenting the information or message in a manner which the reader will appreciate and understand.

  • To a large extent it also means using language that is acceptable to the reader in tone and manner.

  • The words used, the language, the sequencing of information must secure the confidence and goodwill of the reader, whatever be the message. The sentence should be so phrased as to focus on the reader’s interests and needs and not on the writer’s goals- which anyway is the case.

  • It reflects personality of the writer or the image of the company.

  • E.g.:-

    “I need the information from your department for my project work.” Will better read as:

    “A lot of information which I need for my project work is available with your department. I shall be very grateful if you give your permission to use the same.”

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