What do you mean by struct? What do you mean by nested structure?

A sport club 10 of cricket needs to maintain data about players. Description of it is given below. Club want to maintain player’s name, age, no of matches played, no of runs, and average. For above description declare a structure and comment about size of structure of your declaration.

1 Answer


  • Structure is the derived data type.
  • Structure is the collection of multiple data elements that can be of different data types.


Struct structure_name{
    data_type variable_name;
    data_type variable_name;


Struct student{
    int roll_number;
    char name[25];
    float attend;

Nested Structure:

  • If one of the members of structure is also a structure, then such a structure is called as a nested structure.
  • The syntax of a nested structure can be given below:


Struct structure_name { 
data_type variable_name;
struct {
data_type varaible_name;


struct circle {
float radius;
struct {
float x, y;

Structure for given description:

Struct cricketer {
    char name[20];
int age, matches_played, runs;
float average;


  • The memory space required for a “char” type data is 1 byte.
  • For “int” data type it requires 2 bytes and for “float” 4 bytes.
  • Thus, 20 bytes will be required for name, 2 bytes each for age, matched_played and runs, while 6 bytes for average.
  • Hence the total space required for the variable created of structure “cricketer” will be 20 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 30 bytes.
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