Explain with example bitwise operators in C language
1 Answer

Bitwise operators modify variables considering the bit patterns that represent the values they store.

Operator Description
& Bitwise AND
Bitwise Inclusive OR
^ Bitwise Exclusive OR
~ Bit Inversion
<< Shift Left
> Shift Right

Bitwise AND, OR, XOR, NOT is same as logical operator.

Shift Left: If no is shifted by n bits then its value is multiplied by $2^n$.

Shift Right: If no is shifted right by n bits then its value is divided by $2^n$.


int main(){
    unsigned int x = 15, y = 30;
    printf("%d", (x&y)); //output: 14
    printf("%d", (x|y)); //output: 31
    printf("%d", (x^y)); //output: 17
    printf("%d", (~x)); //output: -16
    printf("%d", (~y)); //output: -31
    printf("%d", (x<<1)); //output: 30
    printf("%d", (x<<3)); //output: 120
    printf("%d", (x>>1)); //output: 7
    printf("%d", (y>>2)); //output: 7

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