Explain how problem is defined with a help of suitable example?
1 Answer
  • A program is a set of step-by-step instructions.

  • It directs the computer to do the tasks you want it to do and produce the results you want.

  • In computer programming, the term problem is task to be performed.

  • The problem has to be defined precisely.


The four stages of problem defining are shown below in figure 1.

enter image description here

  • The problem statement development begins from initially defining the problem.

  • After defining it then attempts to solve the problem.

  • Once the problem is solved, the refinement of problem is done for new concepts and implementation.

  • Finally scale the problem for large data set.


Consider a situation where Kt280 Solutions is low on sale, then the problem for Sales manager to define problem properly before the Founder thinks of solving the problems. If the Sale is low because of place, then his problem is place therefore solution is to change the place to increase the sale. If the problem of low Sale is because of the lack of the demanded solutions for the customers, then his job is to look after the production of the demanded solutions etc.

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