What is environment audit? What are its main objectives and discuss the advantages of the same.

Mumbai university > Civil > SEM 8 > Industrial Waste Treatment

Marks: 8M

Year: May 2013,

1 Answer
  • Environmental audit is defined as basic management tool which comprises a systematic, documented, periodic and objective evaluation of how well organization, management systems and equipments are performing.

  • A good environment management policy requires that there should be a constant effort to analyze and monitor various various industrial working system and processes to generate and transmit this information for the inspecting authority such as exercise which generates necessary information on analysis of pollution being generated or will be generated and completion of annual estimate has been termed as environmental audit.

  • Generally following are the 3 phases when an environmental audit is taken up for an industry:

    • phase: Preaudit activity- pertaining to collection of information.
    • phase: Activity at site pertaining to evaluation of information collected.
    • phase: Post audit activity pertaining to drawing conclusion and identifying areas of improvement if any.


  • Environment audit needs for an industry are internal as well as external value

  • External needs serve to achieve compliance standards and establish a report with regulatory bodies for implementation of environment management policies.

  • Internal need serves the industry as well as self evaluation tool for the process and technology.

  • It helps in pollution control, improves production safety and health conservations of nocturnal resources by the way of ensuring waste prevention and reduction, assessing compliance with regulatory requirement, placing environmental information to the public.


  • EA report provides the necessary information on how well the management systems are performing to keep place with sustainable level of development.

  • It provides performance evaluation of industrial working facilities and its possible effect in the surrounding.

  • It refers to compliance with local, regional and national laws and regulation

  • Potential areas for reduction in raw material consumption leads to cost saving

  • Provide an upto date environmental data to the inspecting authority.

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