What is the importance of the following in the industrial waste treatment: - segregation of waste, By-product recovery.

Mumbai university > Civil > SEM 8 > Industrial Waste Treatment

Marks: 6M

Year: May 2013,

1 Answer

Segregation of waste:

  • Waste segregation is the process by which waste is separated into different elements. Waste sorting can occur manually at the household and collected through curbside collection schemes, or automatically separated in material recovery facilities or mechanical biological treatment systems.

  • Hand sorting was the first method used in the history of waste sorting. Waste can also be sorted in a civic amenity site.

  • Waste segregation means dividing waste into dry and wet waste. Dry waste includes wood and related products, metals and glass. Wet waste, typically refers to organic waste usually generated by eating establishments and are heavy in weight due to dampness.

  • Waste cab also be segregated on basis of biodegradable or non-biodegradable waste.

By-product recovery:

  • Byproduct leads to economic gain. Any use of waste material can be achieved.

  • Byproduct can be achieved with a clear aim of reducing waste problem and also extra economic gain.

  • Some wastes are difficult to treat at low cost and therefore a recovery plant should be encouraged for marketable by product. For eg. In paper industry, caustic soda can be recovered from cocking liquor with the help of multi effect evaporator.

  • The deionized water without any further treatment is ideal for boiler filled requirement.

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