Information Technology (Semester 3)
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data if required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 (a) Define Data Independence and explain types of data Independence(5 marks)
1 (b) List all Function dependencies satisfied by the relation
A | B | C |
a1 a1 a2 a2 | b1 b1 b1 b1 | c1 c2 c1 c3 |
(5 marks)
1 (c) Explain Generalization and Specialization.(5 marks)
1 (d) Explain the steps in query processing.(5 marks)
2 (a) Explain the steps of an algorithm for ER to relational mapping.(10 marks)
2 (b) Explain different Integrity constraints.(10 marks)
3 (a) Draw an E-R diagram for a university database consisting of 4 entities.
(i) Student
(ii) Department
(iii) Class
(iv) Faculty and convert it to tables.
A student has a unique id, the student can enroll for multiple classes and has at most one major Faculty must belong to department and faculty can take multiple classes. Every student will get a grade for the class he/she was enrolled. (10 marks)
3 (b) Draw and Explain Database system structure.(10 marks)
4 (a) Consider the following employee database.
Employee (empname, street, city, date_of_joining)
Works (empname, company_name, salary)
Company (company_name, city)
Manages (empname, manager_name).
Write SQL queries for the following statements :-
(i) Modify the database so that 'John' now lives in 'Mumbai'
(ii) Give all employee of 'ABC Corporation' a 10% raise.
(iii) LIst all employee who live in the same cities as their managers.
(iv) Find all employees who more that avearage salary of all employees of their company.(10 marks)
4 (b) Explain Time-stamp ordering protocol.(10 marks)
5 (a) Consider a dependency diagram of relation R and normalization it up to third normal form.
(10 marks)
5 (b) Explain log-based Recovery(10 marks)
6 (a) Draw a query tree for the following SQL query.
Select P.Pnumber, P.Dnum, E.Lname, E.Address, E.Bdate.
From Project as P, Department as D, Employee as E.
Where P.Dnum=D.Dnumber
AND D.Mgr_ssn=E.ssn
AND P.Plocation='Chennai'.
(10 marks)
6 (b) Explian following relational algebra operations with proper examples.
(i) Project
(ii) Left outer join
(iii) Division
(iv) Rename
(v) Natural join
(10 marks)