written 8.6 years ago by |
Time study it is the most versatile and the most widely used technique of work measurement.
Time study is a technique to estimate the time to be allowed to a qualified and well-trained worker working at a normal pace to complete a specified task by using specified method.
This technique is based on measuring the work content of the task when performed by the prescribed method, with the allowance for fatigue and for personal and unavoidable delays
Time Study Equipment
- The following equipment is needed for time study work.
- Timing device
- Time study observation sheet
- Time study observation board
- Other equipment
Timing Device
The stop watch is the most widely used timing device used for time study, although electronic timer is also sometimes used. The two perform the same function with the difference that electronic timer can measure time to the second or third decimal of a second and can keep a large volume of time data in memory.
Time Study Observation Sheet.
It is a printed form with spaces provided for noting down the necessary information about the operation being studied, like name of operation, drawing number, and name of the worker, name of time study person, and the date and place of study.
Time Study Board.
It is a light -weight board used for holding the observation sheet and stopwatch in position. It is of size slightly larger than that of observation sheet used.
Other Equipment.
This includes pencil, eraser, device like tachometer for checking the speed, etc.