Explain Newton's law of viscosity and concept of continuum of fluid.
1 Answer
  • Viscosity is the physical property that characterizes the flow resistance of simple fluids.
  • Newton’s law of viscosity defines the relationship between the shear stress and shear rate of a fluid subjected to a mechanical stress.
  • The ratio of shear stress to shear rate is a constant, for a given temperature and pressure, and is defined as the viscosity or coefficient of viscosity. Newtonian fluids obey Newton’s law of viscosity. The viscosity is independent of the shear rate.
  • Non-Newtonian fluids do not follow Newton’s law and, thus, their viscosity (ratio of shear stress to shear rate) is not constant and is dependent on the shear rate.
  • Dynamic viscosity is the coefficient of viscosity as defined in Newton’s law of viscosity. Kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by the density.
  • The continuum hypothesis means at each point of the region of the fluid it is possible to construct one volume small enough compared to the region of the fluid and still big enough compared to the molecular mean free path.
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