With the help of a neat diagram explain how short circuit test is conducted on a single phase transformer.

Mumbai University > FE > Sem 1 > Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Marks: 6 M

Year: May 2015

1 Answer

Short circuit test on single phase transformer. In this test L.V. winding is short circuited by which conduct. A low voltage is applied to primary & is continuously increased till full load currents are flowing both in the primary and secondary.

enter image description here

Let wattmeter reading = W (watt) (full load copper loss of transformer)

Ammeter reading=I1 (A)

Voltmeter reading= Vsc (V)

Calculation for R01, X01, Z01:-

$W=I_1^2R_{01} \\ Z_{01}=\dfrac{V_{SC}}{I_1}\Omega$ $\hspace{2cm}$ $\therefore R_{01}=\dfrac{W}{I_1^2}\Omega \\ \therefore X_1=\sqrt{Z_{01}^1-R_{01}^2}\Omega$

Equivalent circuit of transformer

enter image description here

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