Explain Wet etching

Mumbai University > Electronics Engineering > Sem 8 > MEMS Technology

Marks: 4M

1 Answer
  • It is a process, where the wafer is immersed into highly concentrated pool of acid and attack the film and not the resist.
  • It involves multiple chemical reaction between liquid etchant and material i.e to be removed.
  • It is generally isotropic inspect of the mark as the liquid etchant can penetrate underneath the mask.
  • It is not possible to achieve small critical geometry with this etching.
  • Wet chemical etching of any material can be considered as the sequence of 3 steps:-
    • Transport of the reactant to the surface
    • Reaction at the surface
    • Movement of reaction products into etchant solutions.
  • Each of these can serve as a rate limitor and dominate the overall processes.
  • An etch process which is limited by rate of surface reaction will tend to enhance surface roughness and promote fetching.
  • On the other hand, etching can limited by rate of diffusion of etchant through a layer which covers the surface.
  • The result into a polished edge.
  • A no. of chemical reagents and their mixture are used for etching purpose.
  • Many of this are available in transistor grade which are preferred in order to minimize the contamination of the semiconductor during the processes.
  • The table below shows the wet etchants which are required to etch the material given in the table.
Material to be etched Wet etchants
Silicon Hydrofluoric acid (HF) + Nitric acid (HNO3)
Silicon dioxide Hydrofluoric,acid (HF), HF + Ammonium fluoride (NH4F)
Photo resist Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) + hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
Aluminium Phosphoric acid (H3PO4)+acetic acid Nitric acid (HNO3) + water (H2O)
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