Classify and explain the various noises that affect communication.

Mumbai University > Electronics Engineering > Sem4 > Fundamentals of Communication Engineering

Marks: 5M

Year: May 2015

1 Answer

As signal is transmitted through a channel, undesired signal in the form of noise gets mixed up with the signal, along with the distortion introduced by the transmission media. Noise can be categorized into the following five types:

  • Shot noise

    It is produced by ‘particle-like’ behavior of electrons and photons when an external excitation is available to produce current. Shot noise is avoidable only if we reduce all current to zero.

  • Thermal Noise

    The thermal noise is due to thermal agitation of electrons in a conductor. It is distributed across the entire spectrum and that is why it is also known as white noise (as the frequency encompass over a broad range of frequencies).

  • Intermodulation Noise

    When more than one signal share a single transmission medium, intermodulation noise is generated. For example, two signals f1 and f2 will generate signals of frequencies (f1 + f2) and (f1 - f2), which may interfere with the signals of the same frequencies sent by the transmitter. Intermodulation noise is introduced due to nonlinearity present in any part of the communication system.

  • Cross talk

    Cross talk is a result of bunching several conductors together in a single cable. Signal carrying wires generate electromagnetic radiation, which is induced on other conductors because of close proximity of the conductors. While using telephone, it is a common experience to hear conversation of other people in the background. This is known as crosstalk.

  • Impulse Noise

    Impulse noise is irregular pulses or noise spikes of short duration generated by phenomena like lightning, spark due to loose contact in electric circuits, etc. Impulse noise is a primary source of bit-errors in digital data communication. This kind of noise introduces burst errors.

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