written 8.3 years ago by | • modified 8.3 years ago |
Mumbai university > Comp > SEM 4 > Computer Graphics
Marks: 10M
Year: May 2014
written 8.3 years ago by | • modified 8.3 years ago |
Mumbai university > Comp > SEM 4 > Computer Graphics
Marks: 10M
Year: May 2014
written 8.3 years ago by |
B-Rep stands for Boundary Representation.
It is an extension to the wireframe model.
B-Rep describes the solid in terms of its surface boundaries: Vertices, edges and faces as shown in figure 35
It is a method for representing shapes using the limits.
A solid is represented as a collection of connected surface elements, the boundary between solid and non-solid.
There are 2 types of information in a B – rep topological and geometric.
Topological information provides the relationships among vertices, edges and faces similar to that used in a wireframe model.
In addition to connectivity, topological information also includes orientation of edges and faces.
Geometric information is usually equations of the edges and faces.
The B-rep of 2 manifolds that have faces with holes satisfies the generalized Euler’s formula:
$$V – E + F – H = 2 (C - G)$$
Where, V = Number of vertices.
E = Number of edges.
F = Number of faces.
H = Number of holes in the faces.
C is the number of separate components (parts).
G is the genus (for a torus G = 1)
Sweep Representations:
Sweep representations are used to construct 3D object from 2D shape that have some kind of symmetry.
For example, a prism can be generated using a translational sweep and rotational sweeps can be used to create curved surfaces like an ellipsoid or a torus.
In both cases, you start with a cross-section and generate more vertices by applying the appropriate transformation.
More complex objects can be formed by using more complex transformations. Also, we can define a path for a sweep that allows you to create more interesting shapes.
CSG stands for Constructive Solid Geometry.
It is based on set of 3D solid primitives and regularized set theoretic operations.
Traditional primitives are: Block, cones, sphere, cylinder and torus.
Operations: union, intersection, difference + translation and rotation.
A complex solid is represented using with a binary tree usually called as CSG tree.
CSG tree is shown below in figure 37.
Ray casting is a method used for determining boundaries of the resulting object if you start with a boundary representation.
Octree representations are designed to make this process easier.
Figure 38 (b) is the intersection of original solid.
Figure 38 (c) is the difference between 2 original solid.