written 8.4 years ago by | modified 2.9 years ago by |
Mumbai University > Electronics Engineering > Sem6 > Computer Organization
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2015
written 8.4 years ago by | modified 2.9 years ago by |
Mumbai University > Electronics Engineering > Sem6 > Computer Organization
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2015
written 8.4 years ago by |
The different addressing modes 8085 are as follows:
1) Immediate Addressing Mode:
Instructions can be 2 byte or 3 byte long. In 2 byte instruction, first byte is OPCODE and second byte is 8 bit data. In 3 byte instruction, first byte is OPCODE, second and third byte is 16 bit data.
MVI A, 05 H
This instruction transfer immediate data (05H) in Accumulator.
2) Register Addressing Mode:
In this, the source and destination operands are general purpose registers.
Register addressing instructions are generally of 1 byte i.e. OPCODE only. OPCODE specifies the operation and registers to be used to perform the operation.
This instruction copies the contents of the register B to register D.
3) Direct Addressing Mode:
The instruction in the direct addressing mode are 3 byte instructions. First byte is OPCODE, second byte is lower order address and third byte is higher order address.
STA 3200H
Stores the contents of accumulator into memory loacation 3200H.
4) Indirect Addressing Mode:
LXI H, 3200H; Load HL pair with 3200 H
MOV A, M ; Move the content of memory location pointed by HL register pair into accumulator.
5) Implicit Addressing Mode:
Data is present in accumulator.
i) complement the accumulator
ii) Complement carry.