written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 6.0 years ago |
Mumbai University > Electronics and Telecommunication > Sem 4 > Microprocessor and peripherals
Marks: 5M
Year: May 2015
written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 6.0 years ago |
Mumbai University > Electronics and Telecommunication > Sem 4 > Microprocessor and peripherals
Marks: 5M
Year: May 2015
written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 3.6 years ago |
The 8086 flag register contents indicate the results of computation in the ALU. It also contains some flag bits to control the CPU operations.
Figure below shows the details of the 16 bit flag register of 8086 CPU.
Status flags:
This flag is normally used for data transmission errors.
Auxiliary carry flag (AC)-
It is used only in 8 bit operations like DAA and DAS.
Zero flag (ZF)-
It is set if the result is zero.
Sign flag (SF)-
It is set if the MSB of the result is 1. For signed operations such a number is treated as negative.
Overflow flag (OF)-
Control flags:
Here the microprocessor is interrupted after every instruction so that the program can be debugged.
Interrupt enable flag (IF)-
If user sets IF flag, the CPU will recognize external interrupt requests. Clearing IF disables these interrupts.
Direction flag (DF)-