Difference between Wi-Fi and WiMAX:
1 Answer
Sr.No Wi-Fi WiMAX
1. Wi-Fi technology is based on IEEE 802.11 standards. WiMAX technology is based on IEEE 802.16 standards.
2. 802.11a-OFDM, maximum rate=54Mbps.,802.11b-DSSS, maximum rate=11Mbps.,802.11g-OFDM, maximum rate=54Mbps. 802.16-OFDM, maximum rate=50Mbps.,802.16e-OFDM, maximum rate~30Mbps.
3. The stations gain access to media based on CSMA/CA and back off algorithm schemes. There is time slot for each station and there is scheduling algorithm used by base station.
4. Range is less than 100 meters. A kilometer non-line-of-sight, more with line-of-sight.
5. Indoor Environment. Outdoor Environment.
6. No Quality of Service. Five Quality of service enforced by base station.

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Fig13. Mesh mode in IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)

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Fig14. Applications of IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)

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