Explain JavaScript objects Window and Document

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 4 > Web Programming

Marks: 10M

Year: May 2014, May 2015, Dec 2015

1 Answer

Window Object

  • The Window object is the top level object in JavaScript, and contains in itself several other objects, such as "document", "history" etc.
  • The window object represents an open window in a browser.
  • If a document contain frames (<iframe> tags), the browser creates one window object for the HTML document, and one additional window object for each frame.
  • Following are properties and methods of Window Object:

Properties of Window object:

Property Description
closed Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a window has been closed or not
defaultStatus Sets or returns the default text in the statusbar of a window
document Returns the Document object for the window
frameElement Returns the, <iframe> element in which the current window is inserted
frames Returns all,<iframe> elements in the current window
history Returns the History object for the window
innerHeight Returns the inner height of a window's content area
innerWidth Returns the inner width of a window's content area
length Returns the number of, <iframe> elements in the current window
location Returns the Location object for the window (See Location object)
name Sets or returns the name of a window
navigator Returns the Navigator object for the window (See Navigator object)
opener Returns a reference to the window that created the window
outerHeight Returns the outer height of a window, including toolbars/scrollbars
outerWidth Returns the outer width of a window, including toolbars/scrollbars
pageXOffset Returns the pixels the current document has been scrolled (horizontally) from the upper left corner of the window
pageYOffset Returns the pixels the current document has been scrolled (vertically) from the upper left corner of the window
parent Returns the parent window of the current window
screen Returns the Screen object for the window (See Screen object)
screenLeft Returns the horizontal coordinate of the window relative to the screen
screenTop Returns the vertical coordinate of the window relative to the screen
screenX Returns the horizontal coordinate of the window relative to the screen
screenY Returns the vertical coordinate of the window relative to the screen
self Returns the current window
status Sets or returns the text in the statusbar of a window
top Returns the topmost browser window

Document Object in Javascript:

  • When an HTML document is loaded into a web browser, it becomes a document object.
  • The document object is the root node of the HTML document and the "owner" of all other nodes :( element nodes, text nodes, attribute nodes, and comment nodes).
  • The document object provides properties and methods to access all node objects, from within JavaScript.
  • The document is a part of the Window object and can be accessed as window.document.

Properties and Methods of Document Object:

Methods Description
alert() Displays an alert box with a message and an OK button
blur() Removes focus from the current window
clearInterval() Clears a timer set with setInterval()
clearTimeout() Clears a timer set with setTimeout()
close() Closes the current window
confirm() Displays a dialog box with a message and an OK and a Cancel button
createPopup() Creates a pop-up window
focus() Sets focus to the current window
moveBy() Moves a window relative to its current position
moveTo() Moves a window to the specified position
open() Opens a new browser window
print() Prints the content of the current window
prompt() Displays a dialog box that prompts the visitor for input
resizeBy() Resizes the window by the specified pixels
resizeTo() Resizes the window to the specified width and height
scroll() Deprecated. This method has been replaced by the scrollTo() method.
scrollBy() Scrolls the document by the specified number of pixels
scrollTo() Scrolls the document to the specified coordinates
setInterval() Calls a function or evaluates an expression at specified intervals (in milliseconds)
setTimeout() Calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds
stop() Stops the window from loading

Document Object in Javascript:

  • When an HTML document is loaded into a web browser, it becomes a document object.
  • The document object is the root node of the HTML document and the "owner" of all other nodes :( element nodes, text nodes, attribute nodes, and comment nodes).
  • The document object provides properties and methods to access all node objects, from within JavaScript.
  • The document is a part of the Window object and can be accessed as window.document.

Properties and Methods of Document Object:

Property / Method Description
document.body Sets or returns the document's body (the,element)
document.close() Closes the output stream previously opened with document.open()
document.cookie Returns all name/value pairs of cookies in the document
document.createAttribute() Creates an attribute node
document.createComment() Creates a Comment node with the specified text
document.createDocumentFragment() Creates an empty DocumentFragment node
document.createElement() Creates an Element node
document.createTextNode() Creates a Text node
document.doctype Returns the Document Type Declaration associated with the document
document.documentElement Returns the Document Element of the document (the,element)
document.documentMode Returns the mode used by the browser to render the document
document.documentURI Sets or returns the location of the document
document.domain Returns the domain name of the server that loaded the document
document.domConfig Obsolete. Returns the DOM configuration of the document
document.embeds Returns a collection of all,elements the document
document.forms Returns a collection of all,elements in the document
document.getElementById() Returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value
document.getElementsByClassName() Returns a NodeList containing all elements with the specified class name
document.getElementsByName() Returns a NodeList containing all elements with a specified name
document.getElementsByTagName() Returns a NodeList containing all elements with the specified tag name
document.hasFocus() Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the document has focus
document.head Returns the,element of the document
document.images Returns a collection of all, <img> elements in the document
document.importNode() Imports a node from another document
document.inputEncoding Returns the encoding, character set, used for the document
document.lastModified Returns the date and time the document was last modified
document.links Returns a collection of all <a> and <area> elements in the document that have a href attribute
document.referrer Returns the URL of the document that loaded the current document
document.removeEventListener() Removes an event handler from the document (that has been attached with the addEventListener() method)
document.renameNode() Renames the specified node
document.scripts Returns a collection of,elements in the document
document.strictErrorChecking Sets or returns whether error-checking is enforced or not
document.title Sets or returns the title of the document
document.URL Returns the full URL of the HTML document
document.write() Writes HTML expressions or JavaScript code to a document
document.writeln() Same as write(), but adds a newline character after each statement
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