written 8.5 years ago by |
The Myhill-Nerode theorem is an important characterization of regular languages, and it also has many practical implications.
One consequence of the theorem is an algorithm for minimizing DFAs which is a vital step in automata theory
The MyhillNerode Theorem states that for a language L such that L C Σ*, the following statements hold good :-
There is a DFA that accepts L(L is regular)
There is a right invariant equivalence relation ~ of finite index such L is a union of some of the equivalence classes of ~.
~L is of finite index.
Step 1: Consider every final-nonfinal state pair and tick it working only on the lower triangular part of the table
Step 2: Consider all the un-ticked areas of step1
For an input(either a or b) for each un-ticked state, see the intermediate state For the area (r,t):
(r,a) => {r} and (t,a) =>s
So, here the intermediate state is ‘s’
Now check if {r,s} is ticked in step1.
If yes, tick {r,t} as well.
Similarly, {q,u} and {r,q} are also ticked
Step3: Continue step2 until all states have been processed. Once no more can be ticked, algorithm terminates.
Hence, here {s,u} is also ticked.
Final table now becomes
Step 4: Check the spaces which are still un-ticked and such states can be merged together.
In the final minimized DFA, q-s are the new states and p-t are the new states