Design Moore Machine to generate output A if string is ending with abb, B if string ending with aba and C otherwise over alphabet (a,b).And Convert it to Mealy machine.
1 Answer

Moore Machine:

It is a FA with no final state and it produces the output sequence for the given input sequence. In moore machine the output symbol is associated with each state.

Mealy machine:

It is a FA with no final state and it produces the output sequence for the given input sequence. In moore machine the output symbol is associated with each transition.


enter image description here


$M = (Q, Σ, Ґ, δ,q_0, z_(0 ), F )$

$Q = {q_0, q_1, q_f}$

$Σ = {a, b}$

$Ґ = {X, R}$

$q_0 = q_0$

$z_0 = R$

$F = {q_f}$

enter image description here

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