written 8.6 years ago by | • modified 8.6 years ago |
Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2012
written 8.6 years ago by | • modified 8.6 years ago |
Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2012
written 8.6 years ago by |
Ionic Polarization:-
Ionic Polarization occurs due to relative displacements between positive and negative ions in an ionic crystal.
If a crystal or molecule consists of atoms of more than one kind, the distribution of charges around an atom in the crystal or molecule leans to positive or negative.
As a result, when lattice vibrations or molecular vibrations induce relative displacements of the atoms, the centers of positive and negative charges are also displaced
The locations of these centers are affected by the symmetry of the displacements.
When the centers don't correspond, polarizations arise in molecules or crystals.
The displacement is independent of temperature.
Consider the above figure showing ionic crystal NaCl. Let $x_1$ and $x_2$ be the displacements of $Na^+$ and $Cl^-$ ions respectively when an electric field (E) is applied.
The resultant dipole moment per unit cell is given by,
$μ_i = e(x_1 + x_2).......(i)$
Where, e = Magnitude of Charge
When field is applied, due to displacement of ions, a restoring force is produced which tends to bring the ions back into their original position.
For positive ion,
$$F_1 ∝ x_1 \ \ \ OR \ \ \ F_1 = k_1 x_1$$
Similarly for negative ion,
$$F_2 = k_2 x_2$$
Where, $k_1$ and $k_2$ are constants which depend upon the mass of the ions and the angular frequency of vibration of molecule.
Let ω0 be the angular frequency and $m_1$ and $m_2$ be the masses of Cation and Anion respectively.
$$k_1 = m_1 ω_0^2 \ \ and \ \ k_2 = m_2 ω_0^2$$
$$F_1 = m_1 ω_0^2 x_1 \ \ \ and F_2 = m_2 ω_0^2 x_2$$
We Know that, $ F = eE$
$$eE = m_1 ω_0^2 x_1 \ \ and \ \ eE = m_2 ω_0^2 x_2$$
$$x_1 =\frac{eE}{m_1 ω_0^2} \ \ and \ \ x_2 = \frac{eE}{m_2 ω_0^2}$$
Substituting above values in Equation No. 1, we get;
$$μ_i = e(\frac{eE}{m_1 ω_0^2} + \frac{eE}{m_2 ω_0^2})$$
$$ ∴ μ_i = \frac{e^2}{ω_0^2}(\frac{1}{m_1} + \frac{1}{m_2})E$$
$$ ∴ μ_i = α_i E$$
Where, $α_i$ is ionic polarizability.
$$α_i = \frac{e^2}{ω_0^2}(\frac{1}{m_1} + \frac{1}{m_2})$$