written 8.4 years ago by | • modified 8.4 years ago |
Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem6 > Distributed System
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2015
written 8.4 years ago by | • modified 8.4 years ago |
Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem6 > Distributed System
Marks: 5M
Year: Dec 2015
written 8.4 years ago by | • modified 8.4 years ago |
The Major Components of CORBA are as follows:
ORB Facilities communication transparency in terms of:
I. Object Location: The client has no knowledge of whether the target object is in process or out-process on same machine or different machine.
II. Object Implementation: Here, the client does not know the language platform or hardware in which object is implemented.
III. Object Execution State: Here, the client does not know whether the object is active or in-active. ORB transparently activates object when required by client.
IV. Object Communication Mechanism: ORB can use memory, RPC & TCP/IP for communication.
OMG Interface Definition Language (OMG-IDL):
Stubs & Skeletons:
IDL Compiler:
Object Adapter(QA):
There are two types of QA :
BOA(Basic QA):
Inter-ORB Protocol:
To support interoperability CORBA processes :
GIOP(General Inter-operable Protocol):
It defines common mechanism of communication between ORB’s in general forms. It describes CDR (Common Character Data Representation) and message formats between ORB’s.
IIOP(Internet Interoperable Protocol)
IIOP provides full duplex, connection-oriented communication channel through TCP/IP Protocol.
It gives client an ability to access that object while hiding details of that object implementation and status.