Define dielectrics, electric dipole and polarizability.

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 3M

Year: Dec 2012

1 Answer
  • Dielectrics: -

    • Dielectric materials are electrical insulators which have the ability to get polarized when an electric field is applied.

    • Thus dielectric materials allow electric field to pass through them, but not the electric current.

  • Electric dipole: -

    • When two opposite charges with equal magnitudes are kept in space separated by a finite distance, the system so formed is called an electric dipole.

    • The electric dipole moment produced is given by the product of the electric charge of each pole and the distance between the two poles.

  • Polarizability: -

    • Electric Polarizability is the relative tendency of a charge distribution to be distorted from its normal shape by an external electric field.

    • The induce dipole moment per unit volume of the dielectric is called the polarization vector whose direction is along the applied electric field.

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