Describe the formation of energy band in solid? Explain how it helps to classify the solids on to conductors, insulators and semiconductors with proper diagram.

Mumbai university > FE > SEM 1 > Applied Physics 1

Marks: 8M

Year: May 2014

1 Answer

Formation of energy bands:-

  • In case of a single atom, there is a single energy for an electron orbit.

  • However, when two atoms are brought close to each other, it leads to intermixing of electrons in the valence shell.

  • As a result, the number of permissible energy levels are formed, which is called an energy band.


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  • In case of a conductor, valence band and conduction band are very near or even overlap.

  • Thus,an electron can easily jump from valence band to conduction band.


enter image description here

  • In case of an insulator, the band gap is much larger than the energy supplied to excite an electron under normal temperature.

  • As a result, an excited electron instantaneously loses energy and returns into the valence band


enter image description here

  • In a semiconductor, the gap between the valence band and conduction band is just enough to excite an electron to conduction band.

  • With adequate amount of energy supplied, a current can be produced in a semiconductor.

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