written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 6.8 years ago |
Subject: Software Engineering
Topic: Software Configuration Management
Difficulty: High
written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 6.8 years ago |
Subject: Software Engineering
Topic: Software Configuration Management
Difficulty: High
written 8.5 years ago by | • modified 8.5 years ago |
Software Requirement Specification
The software requirements provide a basic for creating the software requirements specification (SRS).
The SRS is useful for estimating cost, planning team activities, performing tasks, and tracking team’s progress throughout development activity.
Typically, software designers use IEEE STD 830-1998 as the base for software specification.
Prepared by XYZ
January 5, 2016
Release 1.0
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Overview
General Description
2.1 User Manual
Functional Requirements
3.1 Description
Interface Requirements
4.1 GUI
4.2 Hardware Interface
4.3 Software Interface
Performance Requirements
Design Constraints
Other non-functional Attributes
7.1 Security
7.2 Reliability
7.3 Availability
7.4 Maintainability
7.5 Reusability
Operational Scenarios
Preliminary Schedule
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document gives detailed functional and non-functional requirements for online student feedback system. The purpose of this document is that the requirements mentioned in it should be utilized by software developer to implement the system.
1.2 Scope
This system allows the students to provide quick feedback which is provided by collage staff. The feedback report is generated and which is checked by HOD’s. He can view grade and grade obtained to the lecturers.
1.3 Overview
This system provides an easy solution to collage staff and students for maintaining feedback related to collage staff and infrastructure, facility.
2. General Description
This online student feedback system replaces the traditional, manual feedback system by which lots of paper work will be reduced. The teacher should able to provide feedback regarding facility and students are able to provide feedback easily. This is primary feature of this system.
Another feature is that feedback form can be provided to student and staff by emailing for filling up form.
2.1 User Manual
The system should provide Help option in which how to operate system should be explained. Also hard copy of this document should be given to user in booklet form.
3. Functional Requirement
3.1 Description
For identity of staff, system should display staff photograph along with their names for that corresponding subject and skills.
Statistical report accordingly subject or skill should display individual’s report whenever required
4. Interface Requirement
4.1 GUI
Student can give the feedback about the lecturers on the scale of ten. Student can give feedback about the lecturers based on interaction of lecturer in the class rooms with students and facility provided by collage like infrastructure etc.
The feedback given by students can be viewed by the staff and improve their performance in teaching and other aspect.
Head of Department
The feedback report can be checked by HOD’s. He can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give report to principal and he can give counselling to the collage staff.
Finally, report was referred by principal and give suggestions to the lecturers to improve their teaching.
4.2 Hardware Interface
The system should be embedded in all desktop.
4.3 Software Interface
i. Online Student Feedback System
ii. The feedback database transmitted to database server.
iii. Report generator.
5. Performance Requirements
The system should work concurrently on multiple processors between the collage hours.
The report should be generated immediately within one hours.
6. Design Constraints
The system should be designed within 6 months.
7. Other non-functional attributes
7.1 Security
The student and staff should provide password to log on to the system.
7.2 Reliability
Reliability can be guaranteed due to wired connectivity.
7.3 Availability
The system should be available during collage hours.
7.4 Maintainability
There should be facility to add and delete feedback form for different purpose.
7.5 Reusability
7.6 The same system will be used in each semester.
8. Operational Scenarios
There should be student database, teacher database. The student database contain name and feedback information.
The teacher database contain name, subject, skills, and other details.
9. Preliminary Schedule
The system should be designed within 6 months.